Tim Fenjer
Radimo za 10 ljudi. Sve je volonterski. Osmijeh onih kojim pomognemo nam je naplata za rad i trud.
Sanel Babić
Rođeni Sarajlija, sa cijelim djetinjstvom provedenim u Vlasenici. Prognan u Njemačku '92, gdje je stekao znanje u elektronici i programiranju. U Americi je od 1998-me, od tad volontira u bošnjačkoj zajednici gradeći webstranice, marketing materijale za BiH enterprenere, i BH medije. Za svoje Vlaseničane u slobodno vrijeme vodio i bio urednik Radio Fenjer-a 6 godina i 250 emisija. Bivši sekretar Kongresa Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike.
Sad radi kao inžinjer u svemirskoj industriji, a u svoje slobodno vrijeme vodi FB fundraiser-e, sakuplja financije, provjerava slučajeve, koordinira, i vodi akcije
Fenjer Fond-a.
Munira Džabija
Suradnik i partner Fenjer Fond-a, Vlasnik IstinaTV
Rođena Bosanka. Humanista sa betonskim Bosanskim srcem. Pomaže svom narodu vec 2 decenije putem svoje organizacije IstinaTV. Organizator je projekta "Jedan Krov za Sve".
Suradnik je Fenjer Fond-a u ispunjavanju lokalne koordinacije, dostave financija i akcija Fenjer Fond-a. Preko IstinaTV svi slučajevi su provjereni, snimljeni i dokumentovani... A montaža snimaka se radi u sklopu svake akcije.
Our mission is to help Bosnian people in need, people struggling in life, people needing the extra hand, patriots who gave their all - but were dropped by the loopholes in the justice system, victims of genocide, inspiring figures lacking the tools to succeed.
The “Patriotski Fenjer Fund” was inspired by the Srebrenica execution survivor Fahrudin Muminović for whom we started a fundraiser for on Dec. 17th, 2018, that changed the fate of Fahrudin, but also changed the hearts of thousands of those who contributed and also felt the need that we could do more together.
Over 5000 donations raised $225,000 in less than 7 days, from mainly Bosnian patriots and their friends from over 200 cities around the world... That showed us that we can do a lot more together than we thought. The “Fenjer Fund” was founded as a Non-Profit with the intent to help Bosnian people in need, people struggling in life, people needing the extra hand, patriots who gave their all - but were dropped by the loopholes in the justice system, victims of genocide, inspiring figures lacking the tools to succeed.
"Many hands make light work."
We are here for you, and ONLY with your help, can we help those in need. We will set the JUSTICE straight, and help those who are in need.
Yours truly,
Sanel Babić
Founder, engineer, father